12 luni
Perfecting The Diagnosis Techniques Of Pancreatic Cancer, Imaging Techniques In Real Time Correlated With Genetic And Biomolecular Techniques ( 12 months )
- 0 EUR
Obiective- Completing the data base by continuing the inclusion of patients with pancreatic cancer. - Diagnosing and postop follow up of patients with pancreatic cancer. - Using the ex vivo endomicroscopy for obtaining high quality images of the pancreatic tissues in correlation with the anatompathological diagnosis - CLE ex vivo examination of pancreatic tumors for mezotelin, CD 31/CD105, VEGFR, TGF-βR2 in correlation with immunohistochemistry and quantitative PCR assessment. - Carrying out a study of echoendoscopic guided endomicroscopy in order to improve the results of using in fluorescein in vivo. - Correlating the analyses of quantitative parameters related to endomicroscopy procedures with the prognosis markers identified through immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence exams. - Assessing the molecular biology techniques
ActivitățiA1.Creating a data base and a research protocol A2.Inclusion of patients with pancreatic cancer in the study (collecting the pancreatic tissue post-resection, fine needle aspiration) A3.Ex vivo and in vivo endomicroscopy assessment of pancreatic tumor tissue A4.Imunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and molecular biology assessment of pancreatic tumors
12 luni
Perfecting The Diagnosis Techniques Of Pancreatic Cancer, Imaging Techniques In Real Time Correlated With Genetic And Biomolecular Techniques ( 12 months )
- 0 EUR
Obiective- Using the ex vivo endomicroscopy for obtaining high quality images of the pancreatic tissues in correlation with the anatompathological diagnosis - CLE ex vivo examination of pancreatic tumors for mezotelin, CD 31/CD105, VEGFR, TGF-βR2 in correlation with immunohistochemistry and quantitative PCR assessment. - Carrying out a study of echoendoscopic guided endomicroscopy in order to improve the results of using in fluorescein in vivo - Disseminating the study results
ActivitățiA1.Continuing the assessment of angiogenesis among patients with pancreatic cancer A2.Continuing the ex-vivo and in-vivo endomicroscopy, immunohistochemistry , immunofluorescence and molecular biology assessment of pancreatic tumors A3. Biostatistics evaluation and integration of data.
6 luni
Establishing a data base with pancreatic cancer patients ( 6 months )
- 0 EUR
ObiectiveCreating a data base consisting of medical information collected from patients with pancreatic cancer Imaging diagnosis of patients with pancreatic cancer
ActivitățiA1. Creating a data base and a research protocol A2. Imaging assessment of angiogenesis among patients with pancreatic cancer