Scientific Report December 2011.pdf
Scientific Report December 2012.pdf
Full Scientific Report October 2013-2.pdf
Annual Scientific Report October 2014 signed.pdf
Annual Scientific Report December 2015.pdf
Final Scientific Report 2016 reduced.pdf
Articole cotate ISI (format ISI web of Science)
- T. Cârtâna, A. Saftoiu, L. G. Gruionu, D. I. Gheonea, D. Pirici, C.V> Georgescu, A. M. Ciocâlteu, G. Gruionu. Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy for the Morphometric Evaluation of Microvessels in Human Colorectal Cancer Using Targeted Anti-CD31 Antibodies", PLOS ONE – issue 12, vol. 7, 2012.
- Ciocâlteu A, Săftoiu A, Cârţână T, Gruionu LG, Pirici D, Georgescu CV, Gheonea DI, Gruionu G. Evaluation of New Morphometric Parameters of Neoangiogenesis in Human Colorectal Cancer Using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (CLE) and Targeted Panendothelial Markers PLoS One. 2014; 3(9), e91084.
- Ştefănescu, D, Streba S, Cârţână ET, Săftoiu A, Gruionu G, Gruionu LG. Computer Aided Diagnosis For Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy. PLoS One. 2016 May 4;11(5):e0154863. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154863.
- Cârțână ET, Streata I, Nicoli E, Uscatu D, Ciocalteu AM, Cherciu IF, Gheonea DI, Georgescu CV, Ioana MI, Gruionu G, Saftoiu A. Evaluation of Tumour Angiogenesis in Colorectal Cancer Based on Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Endoscopic Ultrasonography and Molecular Analysis. Digestive Disease Week, Washington, DC. Gastrointest Endosc 2015;81:AB175.
- Ciocâlteu A, Săftoiu A, Pirici D, Georgescu CV, Cârţână T, Gheonea DI, Gruionu LG, Cristea CG, Gruionu G. Tumor neoangiogenesis detection by confocal laser endomicroscopy and anti-CD105 antibody: Pilot study. World J Gastrointest Oncol 2015; 7(11): 361-368.
- Cârţână ET, Gheonea DI, Cherciu IF, Bărbălan A, Streață I, Ioana M, Pirici D, Georgescu CV, Șurlin V, Gruionu G, Săftoiu A. Assessing tumour angiogenesis in colorectal cancer by quantitative contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound and molecular and immunohistochemical analysis. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (under review).
Rezumate congrese internationale
- T. Cârţână, L. Gruionu, D. I. Gheonea, D. Pirici, G. Gruionu, A. Săftoiu, „Feasibility study for the use of confocal laser microscopy for the morphometric evaluation of microvessels in human colorectal biopsy samples with targeted anti-cd31 antibodies”, 19th United European Gastroenterology Week, Stockholm 2011.
- L. G. Gruionu, D. Pirici, D.I. Gheonea, T. Cartana, A. Saftoiu, L. L. Munn, G. Gruionu, "Clinical and Theoretical Model for Monitoring the Effect of Anti-Angiogenic Tumor Therapy Efficiency in Human Colorectal Biopsy", Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting (BMES), Atlanta, 2012.
- A. M. Ciocâlteu, A. Săftoiu, T. Cârţână, L. G. Gruionu, D. Pirici, C. V. Georgescu, G. Gruionu. Evaluation of new morphometric parameters of neoangiogenesis in human colorectal cancer using confocal laser microscopy (CLE) and targeted panendothelial markers. United European Gastroenterology Week. Berlin, Germany, 2013.
- A. M. Ciocâlteu, A. Săftoiu, T. Cârţână, L. G. Gruionu, D. Pirici, C. V. Georgescu, G. Gruionu. Feasibily study for the evaluation of morphopatological pattern of neoangiogenesis in human colorectal cancer using confocal laser microscopy and targeted anti- CD105 antibodies.Digestive Disease Week® Conference. Orlando, Florida, May 18-21, 2013
- Gabriel Gruionu, T. Cârţână, L. Gruionu, D. I. Gheonea, D. Pirici, A. Saftoiu Feasibility Study for the Use of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (CLE) for the Morphometric Evaluation of Microvessels in Human Colorectal Biopsy Samples with Targeted Anti-CD31 Antibodies. Cajal International Symposium. Bucharest, Romania.
- Gabriel Gruionu, Lucian Gruionu, Lance L. Munn. Flow-Induced Structural Adaptation of Tumor Vasculature by Selective Micro-Laser Ablation. Experimental Biology, 2013, Boston, MA, USA.
- Gabriel Gruionu, Lucian Gruionu, Lance L. Munn. Flow-Induced Remodeling of Normal and Tumor Microvasculature. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Ciocâlteu A, Săftoiu A, Cârţână T, Cherciu I, Gruionu LG, Pirici D, Georgescu CV, Gheonea DI, Gruionu G. Feasibility Study for the Evaluation of Morphopatological Pattern of Neoangiogenesis in Human Colorectal Cancer using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy and Targeted Anti- CD105 Antibodies. UEGW 2014, Vienna, Austria.
- Cârţână T, Brink L, Streba TC, Pirici D, Gheonea DI, Cherciu IF, Karstensen JG, Săftoiu A, Vilmann P, Gruionu G. Low Mechanical Index Contrast-Enhanced Endoscopic Ultrasound for Quantitative Assessment of Tumour Perfusion in Colorectal Cancer Patients: Preliminary Study. DDW 2014, Chicago, USA.