Universitary Year 2020-2021
Course (content units)
Ist Semester
1.      General embryology: gametogenesis
2.       General embryology: blastocyst, bilaminar and trilaminar germ disc formation
3.       General embryology: embryo formation and sketching of primordial organs. Fetus annexes and placenta
4.       Special embryology: skeletal system development
5.       Special embryology: muscular system development. Introduction to myology: muscle structure and classification
6.       Introduction to the study of the joints: classification, structure, movement types
7.      Shoulder, elbow and hand joints
8.       Hip, knee and foot joints
9.       Joints of the skull and vertebral column; head and torso movements
10.    Biomechanics of posture and complex movements
11.    Arterial networks of the superior and inferior limbs; trunk wall vascularization
12.    The spinal nerves and brachial plexus; sensitive and motor innervations areas of the trunk and the superior limbs
13.    Lumbar and sacral plexus; sensitive and motor innervations areas of the inferior limbs
14. Lymphatic system of the trunk and the limbs
Courses published on the discipline site
Victor Papilian, Anatomia Omului, vol 1, vol 2,
Viorel Ranga, Anatomia Omului, vol1, vol2, vol5
Gray’s Anatomy for Students,
Langman Embriologie Medicala, ed. Medicală Callisto, 2008
Practical work (topics / themes)
Ist Semester
1.       Protection rules inside dissection rooms. Human body parts. Axis, planes, landmarks used in descriptive anatomy. Introduction in osteology; bone classification; general terms used in bone study
2.       Vertebral column. General features of vertebra. Cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebra: regional and special features
3.       Sacrum and coccyx bone. Vertebral column as a whole
4.       Osteology of the superior limb: clavicle and scapula. Osteology of the trunk: sternum
5.       Osteology of the trunk: ribs. Osteology of the superior limb: humerus, radius, ulna
6.       Osteology of the hand
7.       Osteology of the inferior limb: coxal bone. Pelvis – morphometric features
8.       Osteology of the inferior limb: femur, patella
9.       Osteology of the inferior limb: tibia, peroneum
10.    Osteology of the foot
11.    Evaluation I
12.    Introduction to myology: general features of the muscles and the annexes. Spinal nerve: posterior branches. Vascularization and innervation of the back and the neck
13.    Dissection of the back and the neck muscles
14.    Dissection of the anterior and lateral thorax wall muscles. Intercostal nerve and artery. Mammary gland
15.    Dissection of axilla: axilla walls; brachial plexus; axillary artery and vein; lymphatic ganglions of axilla
16.    Brachial plexus – terminal branches. Dissection of the anterior compartment of arm: muscles, vessels and nerves
17.    Dissection of the anterior compartment of forearm: muscles, vessels and nerves
18.    Dissection of scapular area. Dissection of posterior compartment of arm. Dissection of posterior compartment of forearm and hand
19.    Evaluation II
20.    Dissection of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall
21.    Inguinal canal
22.    Lumbar plexus. Dissection of the anterior and medial compartments of thigh. Femoral artery
23.    Dissection of the anterior and lateral compartment of leg. Dissection of the posterior compartment of foot
24.    Sacral plexus. Dissection of the gluteus region
25.    Dissection of the posterior compartment of thigh. Popliteus region
26.    Dissection of the posterior compartment of leg
27.    Dissection of the posterior compartment of foot
28.    Evaluation III
Practical works published on the discipline site
Victor Papilian, Anatomia Omului, vol 1, vol 2,
Viorel Ranga, Anatomia Omului, vol1, vol2, vol5





Fertilization Week 1-2(1).pdf

Folding and Placenta(1).pdf



the articular system.pdf


Week 3-4.pdf





 Practical work


Lab no 1

Lab no 2-3

Lab no 4

Lab no 5

Lab no 6

Lab no 7

Lab no 8-9

Lab no 10

Lab no 11-evaluation

Lab no 12-13

Lab no 14

Lab no 15

Lab no 16





Course (content units)
IInd Semester
1.      Special embryology: Development of the nervous system
2.      Special embryology: Development of the nervous system
3.      Overview of the organization of the central nervous system. Functional structure of the spinal cord
4.      Functional structure of the brain stem
5.      Cranial nerves
6.      Functional structure of the cerebellum and diencephalon
7.      Functional structure of the telencephalon. Reticular formation
8.      Cerebrovascular and ventricular systems; cerebrospinal fluid spaces; cranial meninges and vascular supply of the brain
9.      Brain functional systems: motor and sensory systems
10. Brain functional systems: limbic system. Special senses: olfaction, taste, vision, hearing, balance
11. Special embryology: Development of cephalic extremity
12. Central nervous system and craniofacial malformations
13. Functional anatomy of the larynx
14. Head and neck vascular and lymphatic systems
Courses published on the discipline site
Victor Papilian, Anatomia Omului, vol 1, vol 2,
Viorel Ranga, Anatomia Omului, vol1, vol2, vol5
Gray’s Anatomy for Students,
Langman Embriologie Medicala, ed. Medicală Callisto, 2008
Practical work (topics / themes)
IInd Semester
1.      Bones of the neural skull: frontal, parietal, occipital, ethmoid
2.      Bones of the neural skull: temporal, sphenoid
3.       Bones of the facial skull: maxilla, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, palatin, vomer
4.       Bones of the facial skull: mandible. Frontal view of the skull
5.       Lateral, occipital and vertical view of the skull. Skull sutures. Fontanelles
6.       Exobase and endobase of the skull. Temporal fossa, infratemporal fossa, pterigopalatine fossa
7.       Evaluation I: cranium
8.       Spinal cord: external features and relations, internal organization. Spinal meninges. Encephalon: parts. Cranial meninges
9.       Brain stem: external features, cranial nerves origins. Cerebellum: external features, lobes. Fourth ventricle
10.    Cerebral hemispheres: external configuration, gyri, sulci
11.    Diencephalon. Basal Ganglia. Internal Capsule
12.    Standard sagital, horizontal and frontal sections through encephalon
13.    Cerebral ventricles I, II and III; cerebrospinal fluid circulation. Arterial and venous circulation of encephalon: carotid and vertebral basilar systems, dura mater venous sinuses
14.    Evaluation II: spinal cord and brain
15.    Orbit: walls, ocular bulb: layers, content; ocular bulb annexes: lacrimal system, conjunctiva, eye-lids, and eye bulb muscles. Cranial nerves III, IV, Va, VI
16.    Cavities inside temporal bone. External, middle and inner ear. Cranial nerve VIII
17.    Cervical fascia. Neck superficial venous system. Platysma muscle. Cervical plexus
18.    Neck muscles: sternocleidomastoid and infrahioid muscles. Cranial nerve IX. Scalen and prevertebral muscles. Subclavian artery and vein
19.    Vascular and nervous bundle of neck: carotid artery, vagal nerve, internal jugular vein. Sympatic cervical ganglia. Supraclavicular part of brachial plexus
20.    Hioid bone, suprahioid muscles, submandibular gland. External carotid artery: path, cervical branches
21.    Skin innervation of the face. Mimic and maseter muscles. Facial vein and artery. Cranial nerve VII
22.    Evaluation III. Muscles, vassels and nerves of the neck and face
23.    Maseter muscle. Temporal fossa: temporal muscle, superficial temporal artery and auriculotemporal nerve. Parotid gland. Infratemporal fossa: medial and lateral pterygoid muscles; maxillary artery and mandibular nerve
24. Pterygopalatine fossa: maxillary nerve. External nose, nasal cavity, nasal sinuses
25.    Oral cavity, tongue, sublingual glands, isthmus faucium. Cranial nerve XII
26.    Pharynx: relations, internal configuration, structure. Parapharyngeal space. Cranial nerve IX. Cervical esophagus
27.    Larynx and cervical trachea: relations, structures, internal configuration, vascularization and innervations. Thyroid gland
28.    Evaluation IV: Viscera of the neck. Fossa and cavities of the face
Practical works published on the discipline site
Victor Papilian, Anatomia Omului, vol 1, vol 2,
Viorel Ranga, Anatomia Omului, vol1, vol2, vol5





1.CNS development.pdf 

2.Pharingial arches development.pdf










12. Motor and sensitive pathways

13. Functional anatomy of the larynx




 Practical work





















Practical works - exam


Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4



Summer session

Anatomy exam program ()


Grid test (60 questions):  800 – 930

Practical exam (videoconference):



Group 1

1030 - 1130

Group 2

1145 – 1245

Group 3

1300 – 1400

Group 4

1415 - 1515

For students with credits, the practical exam starts at 15






Course (content units)
6.     Functional anatomy of the liver
7.     Functional anatomy of the stomach, duodenum and pancreas
14. Lymphatic drainage of the trunk viscera. Thymus and spleen.
Courses published on the discipline site
Victor Papilian, Anatomia Omului, vol 2,
Viorel Ranga, Anatomia Omului, vol3, vol6
Langman Embriologie Medicala, ed. Medicală Callisto, 2008
Practical work (topics / themes)
10.Caecum and vermiform appendix: external and internal aspects, relations, structure, vascular supply and innervation. Colon and its mesentery: external and internal aspects, relations, structure, vascular supply and innervation
11. Abdominal aorta. Inferior vena cava. Lombar and abdominal parts of the sympathetic system. Lombar plexus. Lymphatic drainage of the abdominal viscera. Portacaval shunts.
13. Kidneys: external features, structure, blood supplying and innervation. Urinary excretory pathways. Suprarenal glands
14. Osseous pelvis: structure, narrowing, internal and external pelvimetry. Pelvis muscles (anal elevators, coccigian, internal obturator): insertions, traject, relations, innervations. Sacrococcigian plexus
20. Testis. Scrotum. Epididymus. Scrotal part of deferent duct.
21. Inguinal canal. Spermatic cord. Iliac part of deferent duct
22. Pelvine part of deferent duct. Ejaculatory ducts. Seminal vesicles
23. Prostate, male urethra and penis: external features, relations, structure, vascular supply and innervation.
24. Pelvisubperitoneal space in male
25. Perineum in male. Ischiorectal fossa
26-28. Recap
Practical works published on the discipline site
Victor Papilian, Anatomia Omului, vol 2,
Viorel Ranga, Anatomia Omului, vol3, vol6


8.1 Course (content units)
1.      Anatomic-clinical regions of the head.
2.      Anatomic-topographic regions of the head.
3.      Sectional anatomy of the encephalon.
4.      Anatomic-clinical and topographic regions of the neck
5.      Anatomic-clinical and topographic regions of the thoracic wall.
6.      Topographic anatomy of the thoracic cavity: pleural-pulmonary regions.
7.      Topographic anatomy of the thoracic cavity: mediastinum.
8.      Anatomic-clinical and topographic regions of the abdominal wall.
9.      Topographic anatomy of the abdominal cavity
10. Clinical anatomy of the abdomen.
11. Anatomic-topographic region of the pelvis.
12. Anatomic-clinical and topographic regions of the perineum.
13. Anatomic-clinical and topographic regions of the upper limb.
14. Anatomic-clinical and topographic regions of the lower limb.
Courses published on the discipline site
Ion Albu, Radu Georgia, Anatomie Topografică
Ion Mindrila, Dănuț Nicolae Tarnita, Rodica Maria Mănescu, Anatomie topografică şi secţională, Editura Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2009
8.2 Practical work (topics / themes)
1.      The parts of human body; regions, limits, anthropometric points. Topographic and sectional anatomy of the head: parietal regions of the neural floor.
2.      Topographic and sectional anatomy of the head: face floor.
3.      Topographic and sectional anatomy of the neck: regions, limits, layers.
4.      Topographic and sectional anatomy of the thorax: parietal regions; clinical anatomy of the thoracic wall.
5.      Visceral regions of the thorax. Intra-thoracic organs’ projections on the thoracic wall.
6.      Sectional anatomy of the thorax.
7.      Topographic and sectional anatomy of the abdomen: parietal regions; clinical anatomy of the abdominal wall.
8.      Topographic and sectional anatomy of the abdominal cavity: peritoneal space. Visceral abdominal projection on the abdominal wall.
9.      Topographic anatomy of the extra-peritoneal space. Kidneys, urinary tracts and large vessels projections on the abdominal walls.
10. Sectional anatomy of the abdomen.
11. Topographic and sectional anatomy of the pelvis. Internal and external pelvimetry.
12. Topographic and sectional anatomy of the perineum.
13. Topographic and sectional anatomy of the upper limb. Clinical anatomy of the upper limb.
14. Topographic and sectional anatomy of the lower limb. Clinical anatomy of the lower limb.
Practical works published on the discipline site
Ion Albu, Radu Georgia, Anatomie Topografică
Ion Mindrila, Dănuț Nicolae Tarnita, Rodica Maria Mănescu, Anatomie topografică şi secţională, Editura Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2009






Practical work


Week 1.

Week 2.

Week 3.

Week 4.

Week 5.

Week 6.

Week 7.

Week 8.

Week 9.

Week 10.

Week 11.

Week 12.

Week 13.

Week 14.



LabSect 1.

LabSect 2.

LabSect 3.

LabSect 4.

LabSect 5.

LabSect 6.

LabSect 7.

LabSect 8.

LabSect 9.

LabSect 10.



Practical works - exam











Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4


Actualizat la 25.01.2023, 11:44