

Biophysics / medical physics


The discipline started its activity in the Faculty of General Medicine in Craiova in autumn 1970. 


Teaching staff / teaching period:


- Head of works PhD Georgescu Dinu (1970-1972)

- Associate Professor PhD Rîscu Mihai Iuliu (1970-2011) 

- Assistant Professor PhD Papadopol Emil (1972-1987)
- Professor PhD Nedelcu Constantin (1974-2003)
- Dr. Buzatu Stefan (1992 - present)

Assistant Professor PhD Barbuți Mihai (1992-2005)

Professor PhD Osiac Eugen (2005 - present)

Associate Professor PhD Anoaica Paul-Gabriel (2011 - present)


Particular attention has been paid to setting up a high-performance teaching and research laboratory.

The work of the Biophysics discipline has had several priority objectives: quality teaching and effective experimental training for our students. Bibliographical material has been edited for both Curs.pdf as well as for the practical work Laborator.pdf).




Actualizat la 11.01.2024, 12:11