Lecture program

Lecture program

Related disciplines: Neonatology, Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedics

General content: General notions about healthy and sick child; growth and development; specific aspects of child pathology.

How to assessOral, written exam

                            Practical examination (clinical case)

ObjectivesLearning the principles and practical notions of childcare; basic notions of common paediatric pathology; developing skills of collaboration with the sick child and his/her carers.

StudentsFaculty of Medicine, 5th year.











1 SEMESTER: 75 hours - 5 hours/week (15 weeks)


 Week 1

      Introduction to childcare and paediatrics. Definitions. Social nature of paediatrics. Demographic and statistical data. Periods of childhood. Criteria for assessing somatic development. Intrauterine and extrauterine life. Laws of growth.


Week 2

Normal term newbornanatomo-physiological features (respiratory, cardio-vascular, digestive tract, physiological jaundice).

Blood changes, immunological adaptation, renal system, thermoregulation, hormonal crisis of the newborn, nervous system, behavioural states.

Low birth weight newborn (prematurity, dysmaturity); postmaturity: anatomical and functional features of prematurity, prognosis of prematurity. Definition and clinic of dysmaturity and postmaturity.


Week 3

The infant and the child. Infant: morphofunctional characteristics; neuropsychological development of the infant. The young child (pre-school). Infancy II (pre-school period).

Childhood III (school period). Neuropsychological and intellectual development of the child. Pubertal period.


Week 4

Nutrition and diet. Nutritional needs. Proteins, lipids, carbohydrates in the diet, minerals, vitamins. Natural nutrition. Mixed feeding. Artificial nutrition. Cow's milk.

Classical (conventional), beginning and continuation formulas; special formulas. Diversified feeding (step feeding). Feeding after the age of 1 year.


Week 5

Child nutrition diseases: Deficiency rickets. Obesity.

Child nutrition diseases: Dystrophy.


Week 6

Respiratory diseases. IACRS: nasopharyngitis, adenoiditis, angina, sinuzitis.

Respiratory diseases: otitis, otomastoiditis, laryngitis, acute tracheobronchitis.

Respiratory diseases: bronchiolitis, tracheobronchial foreign bodies, acute pneumonia.


Week 7

Respiratory diseases: Bronchopneumonia, pleuropulmonary staphylococcus, interstitial pneumonia.

Respiratory diseases. Bronchial asthma.


Week 8

Cardiovascular diseases. Congenital heart disease.

Cardiovascular diseases. Endocarditis. Myocarditis. Pericarditis. Heart failure. HTA.


Week 9

Rheumatic diseases of the child. RAA. Juvenile chronic arthritis.

Diseases of the digestive system. Acute diarrhoeal diseases.


Week 10

Diseases of the digestive system. Chronic enteropathies (celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, APLV). Recurrent painful abdomen.

Diseases of the digestive system. Intestinal parasitosis.


Week 11

Diseases of the digestive system. Gastro-duodenal ulcer. Chronic hepatitis.

Diseases of the reno-urinary system. Urinary tract infection.


Week 12

Diseases of the reno-urinary system. Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome.

Blood diseases. Childhood anaemias (aplastic Fanconi anaemia, megaloblastic anaemia due to vitamin B 12 and folic acid deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia).


Week 13

Haemolytic anaemias. Thalassaemia major. Acute leukaemias.

     Bleeding syndromes. Henoch-Schonlein anaphylactoid purpura.


Week 14

      Acute and chronic immunological thrombocytopenic purpura.

 CNS diseases: meningitis, seizures, epilepsy.


Week 15

      Acute intoxications. Poisoning with methaemoglobinising substances.

      Abused child

Metabolic diseases: Diabetes mellitus.






  1. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 19th Edition, By Robert M. Kliegman, Bonita M.D., Stanton, Joseph St. Geme, Nina Schor, and Richard E. Behrman, ISBN: 978-1-4377-0755-7, 2011.
  2. Esenţialul în pediatrie, Eugen Ciofu, Carmen Ciofu, Editura Medicală Almatea, Bucureşti, 2002.
  3. Pediatrie-Puericultură (curs pentru studenţi anul V), D. Bulucea (sub red.), Ed. Sitech, Craiova, ISBN 973-746-186-X, 2005.
  4. Pediatrie, Polixenia Stancu, Ileana Puiu, Cristina Singer, Editura Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2005, ISBN 973-7757-77-7.
  5. Curs Puericultură-Pediatrie, Ileana Petrescu, Carmen Niculescu, Editura Medicală Universitară, Craiova, ISBN: 978 - 973 - 106 - 061 – 3, 2007.
  6. Puericultura, noţiuni elementare – D. Bulucea, Eva Nemeş, Elena Dumitraşcu, Cristina Singer, Ed. Aius, Colecţia Hipocrate, Craiova, ISBN 973-9251-03-X, 1997.


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