

Research has been a permanent concern for the staff of the Clinic of Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedics since its inception when, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sabetay, experimental activities on ulcerative-necrotic enterocolitis (experiment on mice), splenic autotransplantation (experiment on rabbits) and testicular torsion (experiment on pigs) were carried out in the Bio-base of the faculty.

National research contracts followed:

  • iatrogenic knee pain in children
  • cheilo-palato-schisis in children

Participation in national multicentre studies:

  • Hypospadias in children
  • Hydatid cyst in children
  • Meckel's diverticulum in children

At the same time, a number of international research projects were carried out in the Paediatric Surgery and Orthopaedics Clinic:

  • Study of the efficacy of piperacillin/tazobactam combination in abdominal infections in children - in collaboration with Wyeth Pharmaceuticals GmbH - Austria
  • EBAR – European Biliary Atresia Registry
  • Bridges Across Atlantic - Evanston Hospital Pediatric Surgery Clinic in Chicago - USA
  • Collaboration project with Andrology Foundation Bulgaria
  • Programme for the creation of a pilot paediatric surgery centre with the French Society of Paediatric Surgery

Also within the clinic of Pediatric Surgery and Orthopedics, scientific research projects were carried out following competitions (grants):

  • ”Asistență Medicală pentru copii din centrele de plasament si medii socio-economice defavorizate” - Nr. 10655/ 18.07.2013
  • „Studiu morfopatologic al diverticulului Meckel la copil” - Nr. 1076 din 01.11.2016
  •  „Abordarea chirurgicală inovativă a despicăturilor velo-labio-palatine la copil” – Nr. 26/313/2 din 13.03.2023
Actualizat la 16.01.2024, 14:13