Lecture program

Lecture program

Lecture topics:


C.1.Introduction to current infectious communicable disease issues

Permanence of infectious diseases; epidemiological transitions; infectious emergencies and re-emergencies. Etiopathogenesis of infectious diseases; microorganism-host relationship, localized and systemic inflammatory syndrome, isolated, acute, prolonged fever of obscure etiology. Laboratory in diagnosis of IB. Principles of diagnosis in IB.

C.2.Principles of treatment in IB (hygienic-dietetic, pathogenic, symptomatic, anti-infective - antibiotic therapy; antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal treatment; specific treatment)

C.3.Rash diseases

Scarlet fever, measles, rubella, chickenpox, erythema infectiosum, sudden exanthema, herpes zoster, erysipelas

C4.Respiratory infections

Diphtheria, influenza, coryza, other respiratory viruses, whooping cough

C5.Respiratory infections


C.6.Digestive infections

Acute infectious diarrhoeal disease, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, food poisoning, urinary tract infection

C.7.Digestive infections

Acute viral hepatitis

C.8.Neuro-meningeal infections

Encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis, botulism

C.9.Bacteraemia, septicaemia, sepsis. Mononucleozyme syndromes (MNI; CMV, toxoplasmosis)

C.10.Infection in hosts with altered defences (excluding HIV infection). Foreign body infections, bites, scratches (tetanus, rabies, cat's claw disease) 

C.11.HIV infection


Trichinella, leptospiroza, toxoplasmoza, brucella, borelioza

C.13.Healthcare associated infections

C.14.Family doctor's attitudes towards foreign travel and transient immigrants. Infectious emergencies and re-emergencies through bioterrorism - the role of the family doctor in prevention and control (Concept of bioterrorism; role of the family doctor in preventing and combating bioterrorism; smallpox, brucellosis, anthrax, botulism - as biological weapons)


  1. Lucian Giubelan, Florentina Dumitrescu, Livia Dragonu, Andreea Cristina Stoian, Boli infecțioase, Ed.Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2020

  2. Cupşa, A., Boli infecţioase transmisibile/ curs universitar cu sugestii pentru activităţile practice, 

              Ed. Medicală Universitară, Craiova, 2007 (revăzută 2008)

  1. Emanoil Ceaușu,Tratat de boli infecțioase, Editura Medicală, Vol.I (2018), Vol.II(2020)

  2. Adrian Streinu Cercel, Victoria Aramă, Petre Iacob Calistru, Boli Infecțioase. Curs pentru studenți și medici rezidenți, Vol.1, Vol.2, Ed.Universitară”Carol Davila¨, București

  3. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's, Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, Set IXth ed. 2019

  4. Cohen J., Powderly WG., Opal SM. (edit.), Infectious Diseases, 4th ed., 2017, Elsevier Inc, China

  5. Torok E., Moran E., Cooke F., Oxford handbook of infectious diseases and microbiology, 2nd ed., 2017, Oxford University Press, UK.

  6. Southwick F., Infectious diseases a clinical short course, 3rd ed., 2014, McGraw Hill, NY.

  7. Root R. K. (edit), Clinical Infectious diseases – A practical aproach, Oxford University Press, NY, 

              1999 (Bibl. UMFCv)

Practical work (topics/themes)

Epidemiological and clinical history of the patient with infectious disease; clinical examination of the patient with infectious disease; diagnostic approach, management plan of the patient with infectious disease.

Febrile syndrome (clinical cases)

Rash syndrome (clinical cases)

Meningeal and encephalic syndrome (clinical cases)

Sepsis, septicaemia (clinical cases)

Diarrhoeal syndrome (clinical cases)

Hepatite virale acute (cazuri clinice)

IHIV infection (clinical cases)

Antibiotic therapy issues

Technique of presenting a patient diagnosed with an infectious disease

Actualizat la 16.01.2024, 09:42