

The first professor, the founder of the university surgical education in Craiova, was Prof. dr. Ion Bușu, who as Head of the Surgery Clinic I and Head of the Department of Surgical Pathology was concerned both with the organization of teaching activities with students (courses, internships and practical work), as well as with the specialized training of interns, interns and secondary doctors. Professor Bușu started his activity with a team of primary care physicians and experienced specialists (Dr. Tonitza Petre, Dr. Paitici Petre, Dr. Tănase Voicu, Dr. Beldiman Vladimir, Dr. Frujină Vasile, Dr. Florea Ion. Dr. Marțian Nicolae).

Subsequently, Professor Busu gathered around him a young and valuable team, which he trained and educated permanently in the spirit of the best traditions of Romanian surgery, a team from which the future heads of clinics and surgical disciplines of the Faculty of Medicine have risen: Prof. dr. Fane Ghelase, Prof. dr. Gugilă Ion, Prof. dr. Nemeș Răducu, Prof. dr. Georgescu Ion, Prof. dr. Mogoș Dan, Prof. dr. Vasile Ion, to list only some of his disciples.

Professor Ion Bușu led the activity of the Clinic I Surgery and the Discipline of General Surgery between 1973-1986.

Between 1986 and 2001, the position of Head of Clinic and Discipline was held by the Head of Works Dr. Ghelase Fane, later Professor.

Between 2002 and 2015, the direction of Clinic I Surgery and the discipline of General Surgery was taken over by Prof. PhD Ion Georgescu, graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of Craiova, student of Prof. Ion Bușu, exponent of the Craiova School of Surgery..

Since 2016, the Head of the Surgery Clinic I of SCJU Craiova and Director of Department 6 has been Prof. PhD Valeriu Surlin.

The Clinic I Surgery Craiova and the Discipline of General Surgery provide an appropriate clinical setting for a particularly complex activity. This includes, among other things, surgical nursing, teaching activity with fourth year students for both the Romanian and English language series, and postgraduate training of residents in general surgery and other related surgical specialties (gynaecology, orthopaedics, thoracic surgery, etc.). In addition to clinical and teaching activities, the General Surgery discipline and Department 6, which brings together a large number of surgical specialties, also carries out important research and advanced academic training (doctoral studies, postgraduate courses, subspecialties and skills in minimally invasive surgery, etc.).

Actualizat la 13.03.2024, 13:18