08:30 Opening speech (Dr.STOICA A.)
08:45 First presentation: basic principles of MIS, instruments, position… (Prof. JS VALLA)
09:00 Trocar insertion: principles, incidents, accidents (Prof. JS VALLA)
09:15 Knotting for minimal invasive surgery (Prof. H STEYAERT)
09:30 Recommendable, possible, impossible operations in MIS (Prof. H STEYAERT)
09:45 Appendectomy (Dr. CIOBANU O.)
10:00 Cholecystectomy (Dr. STOICA A., Dr. ZAVATE A.)
10:15 Coffee break
Starting live operations
Unpalpable testis- FS second stage
Appendicostomy for incontinence.
08:30 Impalpable testis (Prof. JS VALLA)
08:45 Antireflux surgery (Nissen, Toupet) (Dr. SURLIN V.)
09:00 MIS Surgery in the Thorax (general principles and examples) (Prof. H STEYAERT)
09:30 MIS nephrectomy and hemynephrectomy (Prof. JS VALLA)
10:00 Starting operations on pigs
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Restart operations on pigs
16:30-17:00 Conclusions of the day and discussions
08:30 MIS in Ovarian Surgery (Prof. H STEYAERT)
09:30 Pyeloplasty (Prof. JS VALLA)
10:00 Starting operations on pigs
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Restart operations on pigs
16:30-17:00 Conclusions of the day and discussions