Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

On June 26, 2023, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova (UMFCV) started the process of adhering to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C), by signing the endorsement letter.

UMFCV supports the 40 principles of the European Charter and Code of Researchers and is in the process of implementing the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, in order to obtain the Certificate of Excellence for human resources - "HR Excellence in Research Award".

The process of obtaining HRS4R certification is extensive and involves the following stages:

  • Initial stage:
    1. Declaration of commitment to HRS4R principles by signing the endorsement letter - June 26, 2023;
    2. Establishment of the Steering Committee and Working Group - July 2023;
    3. Consulting the UMFCV community on the adoption of HRS4R principles - July 2023 - May 2024;
    4. Finalization of the documentation (OTM-R Checklist, GAP Analysis, Action Plan, Process Description) - May 2024 - June 2024;
    5. Submission of the HRS4R application - June 2024;
    6. Evaluation of the application - 2024;
    7. Completion of the evaluation and receipt of the "HR Excellence in Research" distinction - 16.01.2025
  • Implementation of the action plan - 24 months;
  • Intermediate assessment;
  • Implementation of the revised action plan - 36 months.


Useful Links: 

Members of the steering committee

Prof. univ. dr. Burada Florin; Prof. univ, dr. Streba Costin Teodor; Prof. univ. dr. Bălșeanu Tudor Adrian; Prof. univ. dr. Șurlin Petra; Prof. univ. dr. Negrea Xenia Natalia;

Members of the HRS4R working group

Ș.L. univ. dr. Florescu Dan Nicolae; Conf. univ. dr. Belu Ionela; Ș.L. univ. dr. Diaconu Oana; Conf. univ. dr. Mitroi Mihaela-Roxana; Prof. univ. dr. Turcu-Știolică Adina; Prof. univ. dr. Popa Aurel; Conf. univ. dr. Streață Ioana; Ș.L. univ. dr. Cara Monica Laura; Ș.L. univ. dr. Costache Anca Lelia; drd. Buican Laurențiu; Țucă Marius Sorin; Cristea Cosmin - Florian.


Updated on 1/16/25, 8:54 PM