The schedule of exams for Autumn I and Autumn II sessions, academic year 2023-2024 can be viewed here
The schedule of exams for the summer session, second semester, academic year 2022-2023 can be viewed here
Note: Examinations marked with yellow will be held in Amphitheatres 210 and 211, Building A, on tablet; except on 15.06.2023 and 16.06.2023, when they will be held in Amphitheatres F. Bogdan and V. Nestianu also on tablet !
Due to renovation works in the Valeriu Neștianu Amphitheatre (ground floor), building A (Old Medicine), Petru Rareș street no.2, during the period 18 March - 7 April 2024, the lectures planned in this space will be relocated to Aula Magna, building B (New Medicine), bd. 1 Mai, no. 66.