PR Generality

PR Generality


Master prosthetic restoration IMPLANTATION WITH SUPPORT 2009



Starting with the main objective of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova (UMFCV), defined as "education and preparation to ensure a high quality undergraduate and postgraduate medical consensus in the university's aspirations to strengthen its position in the citation to the academic institution national level in health sciences, the intellectual and professional development is constantly stimulated by appropriate programs, starting with the 2009-2010 academic year, our institution starts running postgraduate masters program prosthetic restoration WITH SUPPORT implantation.







Master Restoration Initiative Organization to support prosthetic implant was based on several issues:

- Oral Implantology has today become a specialty of dentistry basis of modern

- Prosthetic restorations with implant support is an important phase of the rehabilitation of patients who receive dental treatment with dental implants;

- Best results in the treatment of prosthetic implants, are obtained where oro-dental surgery is accompanied by a complete theoretical and practical insight implant prosthetics;

- Providing graduates posilbilitatii Faculty of Dentistry / Dentistry deepen and enforce their own practices in the Rehabilitation of modern techniques, prosthetic implants, to


Specific objectives


Master's program in promoting the idea of getting RPSI throughout life, skills complementary initial training. The specific objective of the master to support the prosthetic implant restoration consists in the formation and development of complementary skills of the students initial medical training in order to improve efficiency of health services, high quality in terms of medical or research activity. The program addresses students with initial training in medical, dental graduates of specialization / Dentistry. The main objectives of the program are:

- Obtaining general knowledge and specialized master fiinf familiar with the latest knowledge in areas such as anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity, Equilibration, biomaterials, oral implantology, prosthetics;

- Identify patients whose mood and status enables them to beneficize endooral treatment-prosthetic implants;

- Acquiring and developing the latest surgical techniques for preparing the bone support in the insertion of dental implants;

- Training graduates for doctoral studies, a condition which becomes mandatory in education romanaesc with the application of the principles of organization of higher education in the European Union, etc..





Educational spaces


Base material U.M.F. Craiova meet the standards for practicing a quality educational process. The teaching process will take place in educational spaces owned by the UMF Craiova. Due to the modular nature it will have the curriculum, the spaces for theoretical and practical training will be used exclusively by students of the master program, avoiding duplication with the students of university specializations UMF Craiova.


Provide Material


Each classroom in endowment U.M.F. Craiova necessary teaching facilities: the board, dia projector, overhead projector, epidiascope, projector, screen and large lecture rooms have air conditioning and sound system. Laboratories have enough space and teaching materials, computer courses are provided with an adequate number of computers required to prepare a practical and high-speed Internet connection. Laboratories and clinical bases used by UMF Craiova and will be available to students receiving the appropriate technical equipment, in accordance with Law no. 88/1993.


Social Services


Master students will enjoy their homes and canteen services administered by UMF Craiova availability. Students can use the master sportswear administered by UMF Craiova, and cultural services of this institution, with access in Coral Pharmacy Craiova.




Master's program budget to support prosthetic implant restorations in the budget is part of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, the latter being the institution which has legal personality. In the University's budget, allocated funds and the Faculty of Dental Medicine degree in RPSI default program will be directly proportional to the number of students.




Is the body of teaching and training staff who work practice in the Faculty of Dentistry, and the associated faculty of UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest, as well as other institutions in the country.




Duration and subjects studied


Master's program in prosthetic restorations with implant support lasts two semesters.



Entrance examination



Tests: - interview;

            - Examination of the themes established discipline.



General Conditions:

· To be a Romanian citizen or one of the EU Member States or S.E.E.;

· To be completed in higher education with a bachelor's degree with master specific profile


Theme and bibliography






1. Partial edentulism: clinical forms, classification, local complications, loco-regional and general

2. Components of dental bridges: elements of aggregation (microprotezele - choir. Nefizionomică replacement cast, metal, acrylic and mixed acrylic physiognomic) to replace missing teeth elements (Pool Deck)

3. General principles in the treatment of partially edentulous dental decks

4. Preprosthetic in partial edentulism treatments: surgical, periodontitis, occlusal balance Preprosthetic

5. Clinical phases of restoration of partial edentulous dental decks

Partially edentulous clinical 6.Examenul: preliminary and final examination

7. Structural elements of the partial denture clasps: major correction max. and mand., dental hook (function, effects on teeth pillars cast hook, crochet type Ackers, Bonwill, divided into T, Ney No.1 Mixed)

8. Types of fingerprints used edentation functional CL. I and-II

9. Determination of the intermaxillary rapoatelor partial edentulism

10. Functional Occlusion: Principles

11. Clinical Morphology partially edentulous prosthetic field

12. Fingerprinting total edentulous prosthetic field objectives, preliminary and final phases of fingerprinting, maneuvers, impression materials used by Schreinemakers footprint, the design of the Romanian school

13. Determination of the intermaxillary realţiei total edentulism

14. Application of skeletal prostheses in the mouth





1. Hutu's, peacocks Mihaela V. Bodnar, MV Constantinescu - Total edentulism - Ed III, Ed Teaching and Pedagogical RA, Bucharest 1998

2. Ionescu A. - Treatment of partial dentures edentulous phones - therapy clinic and laboratory, National Ed 1999

3. S. Ionita, Peter A. - dental occlusion - Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House RA, Bucharest 1997

4. S. Popa - Dental Prosthetics, Vol I and II, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest 2001

5. L. Ene, A. Ionescu - Skeletal prosthesis, Medical Publishing, Bucharest 1982








Tuition fee is 3500 RON / year and is payable in two installments, the first 10 days of the semester.

Updated on 9/8/21, 6:32 PM