Regulation for users

Regulation for users

              USERS' RIGHTS


   The access to the Library of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova is made on the basis of the Access Permit valid both for consulting documents in the reading rooms as well as for borrowing documents.

    Users can benefit from the following services:

  • consultation of traditional alphabetical and systematic catalogues in parallel with the Online library catalogue (OPAC);
  • consultation of the collections in the reading rooms with direct access to publications and indirect access (publications in storage - loan sections);
  • bibliographic information and guidance on the use of information tools in the library;
  • request publications, at home, from the loan section fund;
  • request publications, through interlibrary loan, from other libraries - on request;
  • access to INTERNET, electronic resources (online access);
  • free access to the information contained in all library documents. The services for which charges are levied are those involving the consumption of materials - xeroxing - in accordance with the Methodology for the application of the Romanian Government Ordinance No 84/1998 on the establishment of the Support Fund for Educational Libraries.   

               USERS' OBLIGATIONS 

  • to protect the Library's assets;
  • not to damage the Permit
  • not to pass the Permit on to others;
  • the permit holder is liable for any damage to the library's holdings or other assets, including in the event of its transfer. 
  • to immediately notify the library of the loss of the Permit and declare it null and void with a press announcement;
  • otherwise, the User shall be liable for any damage caused to the Library by the use of the Permit by another person;
  • to respect the library opening hours;
  • to ask the librarian for permission to bring publications that are not part of the library's collection into the reading room; 
  • to carefully check the condition of the publications received, reporting any damage to the librarian;
  • not to remove from the reading room publications received for consultation (for the room only); 
  • to check the registration of the return of the publications consulted; 
  • not to access websites with content other than education and scientific research; 
  • to leave personal belongings (books, clothing, briefcases, bags, folders, etc.) in the cloakroom; 
  • not to bring or consume food or drink in the Library; 
  • to turn off mobile phones at the Library entrance; 
  • to present, at the request of the librarian on duty, their student ID card
  • to behave in a civilised manner towards library staff and other users, to maintain quiet, order and cleanliness in the Library premises;
  • not to smoke inside the Library.



  • use of another person's Permit is punishable by withdrawal of the right to use the Library for both persons involved for a period of 30 days. Repeat offences are punishable by cancellation of the Permit;
  • removal of publications from the reading room, regardless of the period, is punishable by withdrawal of the Permit for up to 60 days;
  • Theft of documents from the library is a criminal case and is punishable according to the legal provisions in force. In this case, the Permit is cancelled;
  • loss, destruction or damage of documents shall be sanctioned by the physical recovery of identical documents or by the payment of the inventory value of the documents, updated with the application of the current inflation coefficient, plus an amount equivalent to up to 5 times the price thus calculated (art.67, paragraph 2 of the Law on Libraries no. 334/31.05.2002, republished); 
  • smoking on Library premises, bringing and consuming food and drink into the Library, using a mobile phone in the Library and misconduct towards Library staff or other users is punishable by withdrawal of the Permit for a period of 30 days. Repeated offences of this kind will result in the cancellation of the Permit;
  • failure to comply with the U.M.Craiova Library Regulations on the rights and obligations of users as well as serious or repeated violations leads to the cancellation of the right to use the Library.

          For any problem related to the Library, users can contact the librarian on duty in the reading rooms or the head librarian.













Updated on 2/6/23, 3:21 PM