

    The "General Surgery" course is primarily addressed to students from the faculties of dental medicine who, in accordance with the declared requirements of the Romanian higher medical education, accepted under the pressure of European directives, must accumulate, in addition to strictly specialized knowledge, notions and rigorous information from the area of ​​mandatory disciplines. This knowledge will be useful for them to understand pathology as a diversity in the entity and to train in the gravitational core of medical education and not on its periphery. The present course tried to present synthetically the major chapters of general surgery without pretending to exhaust the treated problems. Our efforts went in the direction of a synthesis of the information specific to the discipline, the present book representing only a guide, the course presented to the students being thought of as an interactive activity. Our goal is to create learning models through which the student will be able to search, discover, develop skills and apply them creatively in medical practice. The chosen iconography was, we believe, suggestive, extracted for the most part from the cases encountered in our surgical experience, intended to facilitate a quick and correct reception of the message. The work was preferentially focused on the diagnostic area, the therapeutic conduct having a narrower space and only to provide a succinct picture of the fundamental treatment objectives.

   We believe that the paper is able to provide the necessary information for the surgical medical culture of all medical students and young doctors. We are confident that our effort will meet the demands of future and current workers in deciphering and exercising the medical profession, regardless of the chosen specialization.

Updated on 4/28/23, 9:20 AM