Lecture The role of genomics in medicine

Lecture The role of genomics in medicine

Monday, April 1, 2024

Lecture The role of genomics in medicine

The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, courtesy of its Doctoral School invites you on Thursday, 4 April 2024, at 11.00 am, in the "Prof. univ. dr Mihai Ioana" Amphitheatre (Room 102), building A' (Extension) to listen to the public lecture: The role of genomics in medicine, given by Dr. Horia Stănescu (University College London), addressed to PhD students and young researchers.

Dr Horia Stănescu is a specialist in medical genetics with over 20 years of international experience in biomedical research. He is one of the founders of the Centre for Genetics and Genomics in the Department of Renal Medicine at UCL. As stated on the UCL website, his contributions have been instrumental in establishing genotype-phenotype mapping for over 40 genes linked to a wide range of diseases, including neurological, nephrological, haematological and immunological disorders, among others. Dr Horia Stănescu also founded and currently directs the Master's program in Genetics and Multiomics in Medicine in the Division of Medicine at UCL.



See also

Updated on 4/1/24, 2:59 PM