

Having acquired the knowledge of Medical Semiology in the first semester, which is mandatory for the training of any doctor, in the second semester the notions taught in the Internal Medicine discipline are adapted to the needs of the future dental practitioner, who is faced with the task of dealing with the dental problems of patients with general pathology, often extremely complex.

Thus, the most important objective of the discipline is to provide students with a theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will enable tomorrow's dentist to select from the outset the patient at medical risk and to make a correct decision on whether to perform or postpone a dental operation with haemorrhagic, infectious, haemodynamic risk, etc. Also, future practicing dentists may - not infrequently - be confronted with borderline situations, so acquiring the skills necessary to assess an emergency case occurring ante- or post-procedurally and its correct management is another primary objective of the Internal Medicine discipline.

The Internal Medicine discipline is a specialist discipline, mandatory for a student to practice as a dentist. The knowledge, practical skills and attitudes learnt in this discipline form the foundation for the correct assessment and management of the general pathology patient, with direct decision-making implications for the resolution of dental problems of patients at medical risk.

It is expected that the student who has completed this discipline will become a practitioner with a correct orientation to the medical conditions, severity situation and the current and evolving risk of a patient and subsequently apply correct patient management according to specific criteria.

Updated on 6/26/23, 12:03 PM