

12 luni

Stimulate the recovery of brain structure and function after stroke in aged rats by transplantation of the intact neurogenic subventricular zone from young animals, embedded in a nourishing hydrogel
  •   176470 RON
  • Obiective
    Three technical reports. One publication in an ISI journal. Two abstracts accepted at international conferences
  • Activități
    Activity 1.1 Generate a „primed“ overactive neurogenic subventricular zone by electrical stimulation. Activity 1.2 Labeling of newly generated NSCs by using BrdU. Activity 1.3 Microdisection of the labeled subventricular zone Activity 1.4 Establish a suitable rat model Activity 1.5 Transplantation of freshly isolated primed SVZ in young animals Activity 1.6 Transplantation of freshly isolated primed SVZ following cranioectomy in aged animals. Activity 1.7 Assessment of successful transplantation by immunocytochemistry Activity 1.8 Assessment of successful transplantation by behavioral testing

1 lună

Stimulate tissue regeneration in the stroke cavity of aged rats and functional recovery by recreating a neurovascular niche from dissociated neural precursor cells provided by a stimulated subventricular zone embedded in a nourishing gel, and microvascula
  •   298530 RON
  • Obiective
    One technical report. One publication in an ISI journal. One abstract accepted at international conferences. Database with projects results.
  • Activități
    Activity 2.1 Dissociation of neuronal precursor cells from explants of “neurogenesis-primed” subventricular zone of young animals Activity 2.2 Transplantation of freshly dissociated NPCs from primed SVZ following cranioectomy in young animals. Activity 2.3. Transplantation of freshly dissociated NPCs from primed SVZ following cranioectomy in aged animals.
Actualizat la 08.09.2021, 18:55